Tarot Tuesday ~ The Death Tarot

death tarot card

Tarot Tuesday ~ The Death Tarot

 by Kapua

death tarot card

One of my favorite cards in the Tarot, “Death” was always a close friend of mine in a number of ways–but that’s my personal story and one to be told another time. In tarot, as is so often and commonly the case, people tend to react immediately with concern or fear. While it’s true that the Death tarot card can sometimes indicate an actual death, most readers will probably not see it anyway because, let’s face it–none of us is omniscient, nor are readers an authority on who lives or dies…so if you do see Death in your cards, please refrain from panicking. 🙂

Death is generally associated with endings, and endings with sadness–but an ending is not always indicative of the ending. Anyone who studies tarot (or has at least had enough readings to know) knows that the Death tarot card almost always indicates a form of transformation. This, obviously can be a very good thing–especially if you find yourself stuck in a pattern or simply stuck altogether.

I see this card as a form of completion and the promise of a new beginning. Whether I think I’m ready for it or not, a cycle in my life is ending and a new cycle is beginning. If you can build a comfortable relationship with Death you may then see how positively it can serve you. Through the Death tarot card I see (or at least try to see) an opportunity to learn and grow. I feel that it tends to be one of the more forgiving cards of the Major Arcana because even in the face of what appears to be bad news, you know that with Death there can also be a silver lining.

I realize that it also depends on what other cards are surrounding it, but let’s face it–all endings are followed by beginnings… we simply need to be open to the possibilities.

Celebrate this Major Arcana card and ask Death what it can offer you.

(*The Death card in the photo is from The Star (Major Arcana) Tarot Deck by Cathy McClelland; it was one of the first of two tarot decks that I started to work with and still one of my favorite decks to this day.)


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